Press releases


Call for Technical Papers for proEXPLO 2025: Submissions Open Until October 31

  • June 28, 2024

Call for Technical Papers for proEXPLO 2025: Submissions Open Until October 31

Shortlisted papers will be announced on November 30. Topics include exploration discoveries, technology, geoscientific knowledge, raw materials market, environment, inclusion, and education.

Lima, June 28, 2024. The Organizing Committee of the XIV International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers (proEXPLO 2025) has announced the call for the submission of technical papers for its upcoming event. This initiative is aimed at those interested in highlighting innovations and advances in mineral exploration.

The deadline for submitting abstracts for technical papers is October 31 of this year. Once the call is closed, a panel of experts will evaluate the proposals and announce the shortlisted papers on November 30.

The papers may address seven specific topics: discoveries and advances in greenfield and brownfield exploration projects; innovation and technological advances applied to mineral resource exploration; advances in geoscientific knowledge applied to the exploration of mineral systems; raw materials and capital markets; environment, society, and governance; inclusion and diversity; and education.

It is important to note that commercial or promotional papers will not be accepted.

The call offers a unique opportunity for mining professionals to share their knowledge and technical advances, thereby promoting the exchange of ideas and professional development. The selected papers will be presented in sessions and posters during proEXPLO 2025, which will be held from May 5 to May 7 next year.

For more details on instructions and editorial guidelines, interested parties can visit: For further questions, please write to or contact Mara Barrera at +51 999 682 109

proEXPLO 2025: Discovering mineral resources for a better world

proEXPLO 2025 calls for technical papers: Apply before October 31

  • May 16, 2024

proEXPLO 2025 calls for technical papers: Apply before October 31

All those interested in presenting technical papers highlighting innovation and advancement of topics related to mining exploration are welcome to apply.

Lima, May 16, 2024. The Organizing Committee of the 14th International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers - proEXPLO 2025 announced the call for technical papers for this prestigious event. Therefore, we invite all interested parties to participate in this contest aimed at highlighting innovation and advances in the technical field.

"We invite professionals, teachers, researchers and students in the mining sector to apply. This is a great opportunity for nationals and foreigners to exchange knowledge and broaden perspectives for the development of mining exploration", said Adan Pino, co-responsible for the Technical Program together with Wolfgang Morche.

The opportunity to submit abstracts for technical papers will be open until October 31 of this year. After the call for papers closes, a jury composed of specialists appointed by the Committee will evaluate the works and will announce the list of those selected on November 30 of the same year.

There are seven topics that papers may address, among which are: Greenfield and Brownfield Exploration Project Discoveries and Advances; Innovation and Technological Advances Applied to Mineral Resource Exploration; Advances in Geoscientific Knowledge Applied to Mineral Systems Exploration; Capital and Commodity Markets; Environment, Society and Governance; Inclusion and Diversity; and Education.

In addition, it is emphasized that works of a commercial or promotional nature, whether related to products, services or companies, will not be accepted.

This call represents a unique opportunity for national and international professionals seeking to share knowledge, experiences and technical advances with the industry, promoting the exchange of ideas and professional development.

The papers will be presented in oral and poster presentations as part of proEXPLO 2025, to be held from May 5 to 7 next year.

For detailed instructions and editorial guidelines to be followed by authors, please visit the following link:

For more information on the topics, format to be used and how to submit your abstracts, please visit:

If you have any questions, please contact us at or Mara Barrera at +51 999 682 109.

proEXPLO 2025: Discovering mineral resources for a better world

John Thompson: “The problem is that we develop mines that have lower copper concentrations”

  • April 23, 2024

John Thompson: “The problem is that we develop mines that have lower copper concentrations”

The Canadian geoscientist stated that the sector faces new challenges in terms of improving the copper grade of mines, especially to be more efficient and reduce pollution.

Lima, April 23, 2024. In a context of growing debate about the transition to more sustainable energy sources, key statements emerge about the challenge inherent in mining development. John Thompson explained some of the important challenges currently facing the sector during his participation in the seminar Road to proEXPLO, organized by the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers (IIMP).

The geoscientist explained that during the period from 1994 to 2020, copper production showed a steady increase. However, there is also an increase in ore reserves. This growth in reserves indicates the supply capacity during this period, without clear indications of its continuation in the future.

In addition, Thompson notes that the main challenge lies in the development of mines containing lower concentrations of resources, such as copper. The decrease in ore grade implies a more complex and challenging mining process.

“The energy transition is not the problem, the problem is that we develop mines that have lower copper concentrations, which means we are effectively mining more and more rock to get that additional amount of copper we need to meet demand,” he said.

This phenomenon leads to an increase in energy and water consumption and waste generation, representing a direct conflict with the principles of sustainability and climate change mitigation.

Other Conditions

The expert comments that the challenge is intensified by socio-environmental and geopolitical considerations, as well as the volatility of the metals market. Fluctuating prices for copper, lithium and other metals threaten the financial viability of building new mines, thereby limiting the future supply of these critical resources.

It should be noted that the mining industry plays a vital role in the energy transition and climate change mitigation by providing the metals needed for clean technologies. However, to ensure their effective contribution, it is essential to address challenges related to the quality and availability of resources, as well as socioeconomic and market dynamics.

Ultimately, commitment to innovation, sustainable development and collaboration between different actors are essential elements to address the challenges posed by the energy transition in the context of the mining industry.

Less CO2

Thompson also spoke in his presentation about the relationship between mining and CO2 emissions, which is evident in every aspect of the operation, from transportation to rock processing.

“The need to move away from CO2 emissions and explore innovative solutions is clear. This involves rethinking our current practices and adopting more efficient technologies to reduce energy consumption in the movement, transport and processing of material,” he said.

The specialist indicated that strategies such as in-pit crushing, the implementation of better crushing technologies and the development of more efficient processes in mining plants are key areas of focus.

While some may consider these solutions costly, it is important to recognize the long-term value of mitigating CO2 emissions and improving operational efficiency. In addition, various possibilities for CO2 capture and utilization are being explored, including tailings fermentation to reduce net emissions from the mining operation.

proEXPLO 2025: Discovering mineral resources for a better world

Fabiola Muñoz: “Energy transition will be useless if we do not stop deforestation”

  • April 23, 2024

Fabiola Muñoz: “Energy transition will be useless if we do not stop deforestation”

Former Minister of the Environment pointed out that climate change is not only an environmental issue, today it is also an economic decision.

Lima, April 23, 2024. Former Minister of the Environment, Fabiola Muñoz, stated that the mining sector can help accelerate the energy transition. This was announced at the first conference of Road to proEXPLO, organized by the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers (IIMP).

“The mining sector transports personnel and could use electromobility. There is already research indicating that this technology is advancing, but how many are willing to implement it? Or the energy they use for their offices and all mining operations. There is an excellent opportunity to contribute and accelerate this process,” she said.

In this regard, she stated that climate change is not only an environmental issue, but also an economic discussion. “The major problems are linked together and we need to be successful in combating them all,” she said.

She also pointed out that one of the country's greatest challenges is to combat deforestation, which is mainly due to the advance of illegal mining. “If forestation or deforestation indicators are not stopped, we are going to run out of water. We have more than 50,000 hectares of forest that are lost every year in Peru,” she said.

Under this premise, Muñoz said that the loss of forests has a negative impact on climate change because it is the main source of greenhouse gas emissions. “The energy transition will be of no use if we don't stop deforestation,” she said.

Finally, she considered that the private sector can also fight illegal mining from the market. She pointed out that this illicit activity moves thanks to the purchase of heavy machinery, and companies could take measures in this regard by putting more filters on who sells this equipment.

“The formal mining sector has to play a more active role in combating illegal mining. It's not about grabbing a gun, you have to play within the economy and the market. We need the actors in the illegal sector to be isolated,” she concluded.

proEXPLO 2025: Discovering mineral resources for a better world

Patricio Valderrama: For every S/ 1 invested in climate change prevention, we are saving S/ 10 in recovery

  • April 23, 2024

Patricio Valderrama: For every S/ 1 invested in climate change prevention, we are saving S/ 10 in recovery

Nature-based solutions would be the most optimal way to prevent the risks of climate change and natural phenomena.

Lima, April 23, 2024. Patricio Valderrama, general manager of Geológica Consultores, spoke at the first edition of the seminar Road to proEXPLO and pointed out that the situation faced by Peru in the face of climate change and the risks of natural phenomena affect a large part of the population, making it necessary to take preventive actions in this regard.

According to him, 67% of disasters in Peru are related to natural phenomena; 2.6 million Peruvians are exposed to periods of drought; 5.5 million Peruvians are exposed to very intense rainfall; 5.6 million Peruvians are exposed to periods of frost and cold spells; and 14 million Peruvians are vulnerable to food insecurity, linked to climate change.

In this sense, he added that “for every S/ 1 invested in prevention and preparation against climate change in the country, we will be saving S/ 10 on how to recover from this”.

Nature-based solutions

Therefore, at the seminar organized by the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers (IIMP), Valderrama highlighted nature-based solutions to mitigate global warming and address the risks of natural phenomena in the country.

“What is the difference between traditional solutions and nature-based solutions? Well, traditional ones are man-made to control or manipulate the natural environment under a reactive approach. While nature-based solutions join nature to mitigate the impacts of climate change,” explained the general manager of Geológica Consultores.

He also pointed out that the main objectives of these solutions are human welfare and biodiversity benefits. He also emphasized that these solutions are a social challenge because they require bringing together diverse stakeholders. However, he considered it important that they work in the long term and with an easy-to-maintain approach, as they are living structures.

Valderrama cited some examples to illustrate such solutions, such as wetland and mangrove restoration, which act as filters for water, carbon and nutrients, as well as providing habitats for wildlife; regenerative agriculture and sustainable grazing practices, which improve soil health; green infrastructure in urban environments, which improves air quality; among others.

According to the speaker, applying this type of solutions to various aspects of human activities would be the best way to prevent the risks to which Peru is exposed.

Nature-based solutions applied to mining

“Typically, nature-based solutions are very open. We have many experiences in mine closures, where the tendency is to return the mine to an environment very similar to how it was found", said Patricio Valderrama regarding the application of these solutions in mining.

Likewise, he indicated that this approach can be applied in mining, from road construction, drilling fluids, dumps, etc.

He also referred to the use that can be made of it in the remediation of environmental liabilities. “In fact, I recently read a topic that there are known bacteria that can clearly arise in nature and can consume harmful inputs. Depending on the area, nature-based solutions can be more efficient than traditional solutions,” he said.

proEXPLO 2025: Discovering mineral resources for a better world

Today's Road to proEXPLO: Mining Exploration and the Challenge of Climate Change

  • April 22, 2024

Today's Road to proEXPLO: Mining Exploration and the Challenge of Climate Change

Conference that brings together leading experts to reflect on the sustainable future of the industry will be held today, April 22, at 7 p.m.

Lima, April 22, 2024. In a global context marked by climate change, the mining industry is at the heart of the debate with its commitment to sustainability and emissions mitigation. In this context, the 14th International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers - proEXPLO, anticipates with its first thematic event, entitled “COP28 and Mineral Exploration: How are they related?”.

Mining exploration, a crucial stage in the beginning of mining development, will be the starting point of this conference that seeks to merge the need to address climate change with the promotion of the mining sector. With the participation of experts, the virtual session scheduled for April 22, 2024, from 7:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. through the Zoom platform, promises to be a space for reflection and debate on the challenges and opportunities faced by the industry.

One of the focal points will be the analysis of the results of COP28, the 28th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, held in 2023. Experts such as Fabiola Muñoz, former Peruvian Minister of the Environment, will share their views on how the commitments made at this global forum will affect the South American country and, by extension, the mining industry.

Crucial issues such as the need for metals for the energy transition, the feasibility of carbon neutral mining and the potential of carbon mineralization will also be addressed. John Thompson, a geological consultant, will be in charge of deepening these aspects, while Patricio Valderrama, general manager of Geológica Consultores, will speak about new infrastructures and solutions based on nature to face climate change.

This event represents a unique opportunity to explore how the mining industry can effectively contribute to the fight against climate change while driving its own sustainable development.

The conference, organized in collaboration with the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers (IIMP), is open to both members and the general public involved in mining exploration, including students, teachers and workers in the sector.


The conference is aimed at both members of the Institute of Mining Engineers of Peru (IIMP) and the general public who are related to mining exploration, whether they are students, teachers or employees of companies in the sector.

Register by clicking on the following link: 4_Oz2sLPw/viewform

For further information, please contact us by e-mail at or by cell phone at +51 951 294 314.

proEXPLO 2025: Discovering mineral resources for a better world

Road to proEXPLO to Address Climate Action in Mineral Exploration

  • April 15, 2024

Road to proEXPLO to Address Climate Action in Mineral Exploration

How to address climate change and, at the same time, strengthen the development of mineral exploration will be one of the focuses to be addressed at the conference.

Lima, April 15, 2024. Exploration is a key stage in the development of mining activity, an industry that is increasingly committed to the sustainability of its operations in order to contribute to the mitigation of climate change and the provision of sufficient minerals for the transition to zero-carbon energy.

Therefore, the 14th International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers - proEXPLO, presents its first conference Road to proEXPLO, as a prelude to the central event to be held in 2025. This first edition is entitled " COP28 and Mineral Exploration: How are they related?".

The 28th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change - COP28 took place in 2023, as the first global stocktaking of the Paris Agreement, which entered into force in 2016. There are 194 parties (193 countries plus the European Union) that have signed this agreement and have committed to limiting global warming to well below 2°C, preferably 1.5°C, compared to pre-industrial levels.

In this regard, this virtual conference will feature three specialists on the subject: Fabiola Muñoz, former Minister of the Environment in Peru, who will detail the results of the COP28 and how climate change will affect Peru; John Thompson, consultant geologist, will also participate and will discuss "Metals for Energy Transition, Carbon Neutral Mining and Carbon Mineralization"; and Patricio Valderrama, General Manager of Geológica Consultores, whose topic will be "Acting for Resilience to Climate Change: New Infrastructures and Nature-Based Solutions".

They will take as their main reference the conclusions of COP 28 to analyze the progress of mining exploration and the remaining challenges.

We invite you to participate in Road to proEXPLO this April 22, from 7:00 to 10:30 p.m., through the Zoom platform. Simultaneous interpretation will be provided in Spanish and English, according to the needs of the participants.


The conference is aimed at both members of the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers (IIMP) and the general public who are related to mining exploration, whether as students, teachers or employees of companies in the sector.

Register by clicking on the following link: sLPw/viewform

For further information, please contact us by e-mail at or by cell phone at +51 951 294 314.

proEXPLO 2025: Discovering mineral resources for a better world

Road to proEXPLO: COP 28 and Mineral Exploration to be Discussed this April 22nd

  • April 10, 2024

Road to proEXPLO: COP 28 and Mineral Exploration to be Discussed this April 22nd

How to cope with climate change and, at the same time, strengthen the development of mining exploration will be one of the focuses of the seminar.

Lima, April 10, 2024. The 14th International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers - proEXPLO 2025, presents its first seminar on the Road to proEXPLO, as a prelude to the central event to be held in 2025.

This first edition of Road to proEXPLO is dedicated to "COP28 and Mineral Exploration: How are they related?" Therefore, it will focus on analyzing the relationship between mining exploration and climate change and will take as its main reference the topics discussed at the 28th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change - COP28 held in 2023.

This seminar will be held virtually and will feature three notable speakers: Fabiola Muñoz, former Minister of the Environment in Peru, who will detail the results of the COP28 and how climate change will affect Peru; John Thompson, consultant geologist, will also participate and will discuss "Metals for Energy Transition, Carbon Neutral Mining and Carbon Mineralization"; and Patricio Valderrama, General Manager of Geológica Consultores, whose topic will be "Acting for Resilience to Climate Change: New Infrastructures and Nature- Based Solutions".

The appointment is on April 22, from 7:00 to 10:30 p.m., through the Zoom platform. Simultaneous interpretation will be provided in Spanish and English, according to the needs of the participants.


IIMP associates as well as the general public with links to mining exploration, whether they are students, teachers or employees of companies in the sector, are invited to participate.

Register by clicking on the following link: wform

For further information, please contact us by e-mail at or by cell phone at +51 951 294 314.

proEXPLO 2025: Discovering mineral resources for a better world

proEXPLO 2025 to feature 9 keynote lectures and 50 presentations on mining exploration advances

  • March 26, 2024

proEXPLO 2025 to feature 9 keynote lectures and 50 presentations on mining exploration advances

The first Road to proEXPLO conference will be held on April 22 and the call for technical papers to be presented at the congress is expected to begin between May and June.

Lima, March 26, 2024. The fourteenth edition of the International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers - proEXPLO was officially presented on the recent Jueves Minero (Mining Thursday) and the president of its Organizing Committee, Walter Tejada, announced that the event will be held from May 5 to 7, 2025 at the Lima Convention Center.

"proEXPLO 2025 aims to serve as a platform to share new discoveries to come, project advances, innovations and best practices in the modern mining industry, and to highlight the importance of mineral exploration for the development of Peru and the region," Tejada said.

He also added that this congress, whose slogan is "Discovering mineral resources for a better world", will be a space for dialogue between the public and private sectors, which will put on the agenda the relevance of promoting investment in exploration, as well as analyzing Peru's mining potential and the critical role of exploration in promoting development.

As part of the projections for proEXPLO 2025, Tejada stressed that they aim to exceed 1,500 participants, including professionals, students and stakeholders in the services segment in Peru, Latin America and the world.

He also indicated that the event will offer a wide variety of activities: 9 keynote lectures; 50 oral presentations, invited talks and round tables; 80 technological, commercial and coreshack exhibition stands; short courses; excursions to mining sites; and prior to the congress there will be 5 sessions on the road to proEXPLO.

"The content and profile prepared is equivalent to the most important conferences in the world. The content will be structured around 5 thematic axes: technical axis; commodities and capital markets; Environment, Society and Governance (ESG); Inclusion and Diversity; and Education," said Tejada.

Finally, he announced that the first Road to proEXPLO conference will be held on April 22 with the participation of leading professionals from the sector. He also indicated that, between May and June, they expect to start the call for technical papers to be presented at the congress and, in July, they expect to open registration for the congress.

To learn more about proEXPLO 2025, please visit its official website:

proEXPLO 2025: Discovering mineral resources for a better world

Rafael Lengua: "There are simple measures that are already being taken to speed up exploration projects"

  • March 25, 2024

Rafael Lengua: "There are simple measures that are already being taken to speed up exploration projects"

The lawyer pointed out that Peru can emulate the measures of other countries such as Chile and Canada where exploration permits take up to six months.

Lima, March 25, 2024. Rafael Lengua, a partner at Philippi Prietocarrizosa Ferrero DU & Uría, said that the Executive is implementing simple measures to speed up exploration projects. This was announced during his participation as a panelist at the last Jueves Minero (Mining Thursday) of the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers (IIMP), where proEXPLO 2025 was launched.

"Today we see the future with much optimism, because after a long time the importance of mining has been highlighted on the country's political agenda, and we see a real intention to make the improvements that the industry needs. Finally, very simple measures are being taken, such as the elimination of the collection permit for the elaboration of the baselines of the Environmental Impact Assessments. We need to be more aggressive," he said.

In this regard, Lengua suggested following the example of other jurisdictions such as Chile and Canada, where exploration permits are obtained in a maximum period of six months. "If they can, why can't we? We cannot deny ourselves as a country this opportunity. It is not enough to be competitive, we have to aspire to always be the best," he said.

Loss of competitiveness

Likewise, the lawyer warned that, if adequate measures are not taken, Peru will continue to lose competitiveness, despite the fact that it is an attractive country to invest in mining. He recalled that together with Macroconsult they prepared a report on the mining competitiveness index for the IIMP. In it, they compared our country with seven other major mining jurisdictions.

"After comparing Peru with Chile, British Columbia or Queensland, we saw that Peru is the country that requires the most permits to carry out drilling activities, and it is not only the country that requires the most but also the country where it takes the longest time to obtain those permits to finally carry out exploration activities. The term is up to two years," he concluded.

proEXPLO 2025: Discovering mineral resources for a better world

Highlighting exploratory potential in the Eastern Cordillera

  • March 25, 2024

Highlighting exploratory potential in the Eastern Cordillera

Most of the exploration projects in Peru involve drilling to a depth of 200 meters, when there is technology to drill to a depth of 800 meters.

Lima, March 25, 2024. Eugenio Ferrari, CEO and director of Tintina Mines Limited, highlighted Peru's geological potential, but regretted that the territory is underexplored. In other words, no consistent effort has been made to find new deposits in non-traditional areas.

In this regard, he indicated that, if mining concessions are analyzed, work is generally done in the north and south in an area that coincides with the Andes Mountains.

During his speech at the last Jueves Minero, where proEXPLO 2025 was launched, the executive pointed out that there are opportunities to explore in the Eastern Cordillera. He indicated that there are opportunities with non-traditional minerals such as lithium.

The also former president of proEXPLO noted that in recent years innovative technologies have emerged, especially in drilling techniques, which allow reaching 800 meters deep, but which are rarely used in the country.

After insisting that Peru is underexplored, he stated that most of the explorations carried out in our territory are with traditional geophysical techniques that reach a depth of 200 meters.

Comparative advantage

Finally, he pointed out that Peru is a competitive country, but added that the debate is about how competitive it is. Precisely, he said that it has a comparative advantage, which is its mining culture, compared to the challenge of other countries in the region. He also highlighted the quality of Peruvian professionals accustomed to working in different areas of a mining operation.

He added that there are worrying situations such as permits to expedite mining exploration. In the same vein, he lamented the proliferation of illegal mining and the lack of government support for formal companies in their approach to communities.

proEXPLO 2025: Discovering mineral resources for a better world

Peru must take advantage of world exploration budget for copper, lithium and nickel

  • March 22, 2024

Peru must take advantage of world exploration budget for copper, lithium and nickel

The need to secure the supply of critical metals will increase the interest in investing in them, which represents a valuable opportunity for our country and region.

Lima, March 22, 2024. During the recent Jueves Minero (Mining Thursday), where the 14th International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers - proEXPLO 2025 was presented, Walter Tejada, president of the event, pointed out that despite the complicated international context for financing mining exploration, there is a growing interest in exploring critical metals such as copper, lithium, nickel and others.

While Tejada acknowledged that the 2023 global exploration budget was reduced by -3% compared to 2022, there is a need to secure the supply of such metals to drive the energy transition and global warming mitigation, so investment for this will grow or at least be maintained.

"Latin America continues to lead the regions with the largest exploration budget received, with 3.4% of the global total. In 2023, the region grew 2% to a total of US$3.38 billion. In the case of Peru, last year investment in exploration totaled US$ 433 million, which represented an increase of 2.4% over the previous year and, according to the Ministry of Energy and Mines, the highest figure in 5 years", he explained.

As is well known, Peru has great geological potential and is one of the world's main producers of copper, an essential mineral for the decarbonization of the energy matrix.

In this sense, the also Americas Operations Manager at BHP Exploration, considered that Peru and Latin America "have the potential to grow if we know how to take advantage of the opportunities and create favorable conditions to bring more investment".

Underexplored geological potential

During his presentation, Tejada also indicated that only 1.5% of Peru's territory is used for mining production or exploration activities and, in spite of this, the country ranks among the world's top producers of various metals.

"There is an enormous potential to take advantage of and value the resources that Peru has. We need to do this by facilitating exploration with clear, simple and predictable rules," he said.

And with this, he added that "we believe that the portfolio of mining exploration projects, which currently consists of 70 projects, could easily grow in the next 5 years to 50% or even double if there were favorable conditions for investment".

proEXPLO 2025: Discovering mineral resources for a better world

ProEXPLO 2025 to be officially presented today on Jueves Minero

  • March 21, 2024

ProEXPLO 2025 to be officially presented today on Jueves Minero

The conference will detail plans for the 14th edition of proEXPLO and will be attended by the Minister of Energy and Mines, Rómulo Mucho.

Lima, March 21, 2024. Today, the Jueves Minero conference, organized by the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers (IIMP), will host the official launch of the fourteenth edition of the International Prospecting and Exploration Congress -proEXPLO.

This congress is one of the main geological-mining meetings in Latin America and will take place in May 2025 in Lima. However, its Organizing Committee already has plans to announce and activities to be carried out as a prelude to the main event.

For this reason, Walter Tejada, president of the proEXPLO 2025 Organizing Committee, will be present to share all the details on this topic.

We will also have a panel of specialists who will discuss the importance of proEXPLO and its work in promoting mineral exploration. Among them will be Adriana Aurazo, CEO and founding partner of the consulting firm RamaClara; Eugenio Ferrari, CEO and director of Tintina Mines Limited, who was president of proEXPLO 2017; Rafael Lengua, partner of Philippi Prietocarrizosa Ferrero DU & Uría; and Sebastián Benavides, Discovery Manager Peru-Ecuador of Anglo American, who was president of proEXPLO 2023.

The event will be attended by the Minister of Energy and Mines, Rómulo Mucho, who will participate in the closing ceremony.

We invite you to participate in the conference free of charge, today at 7:00 p.m. at the IIMP auditorium, located at Calle Los Canarios 155, Urb. San César, II Etapa, La Molina.

It will also be live streamed through our official Zoom, YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and TikTok accounts.

To participate in the Zoom webcast, you can register for free at the following link:

For more information, please contact or call: (511) 313 4160 Ext. 214.

proEXPLO 2025: Discovering mineral resources for a better world

Jueves Minero to be the setting for the official launch of proEXPLO 2025

  • March 18, 2024

Jueves Minero to be the setting for the official launch of proEXPLO 2025

The conference will present the plans for the 14th edition of proEXPLO and will be held on Thursday, March 21 at 7:00 p.m. in the IIMP auditorium.

Lima, March 18, 2024. As part of the Jueves Minero conference, organized by the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers (IIMP), the official launch of the fourteenth edition of the International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers -proEXPLO will take place.

This congress is one of the main geological-mining meetings in Latin America and will take place in May 2025 in Lima. However, its Organizing Committee already has plans to announce and activities to be carried out as a prelude to the main event.

For this reason, Walter Tejada, president of the proEXPLO 2025 Organizing Committee, will be present to share all the details on this topic.

We will also have a panel of specialists who will discuss the importance of proEXPLO and its work in promoting mineral exploration. Among them will be Adriana Aurazo, CEO and founding partner of the consulting firm RamaClara; Eugenio Ferrari, CEO and director of Tintina Mines Limited, who was president of proEXPLO 2017; Rafael Lengua, partner of Philippi Prietocarrizosa Ferrero DU & Uría; and Sebastián Benavides, Discovery Manager Peru-Ecuador of Anglo American, who was president of proEXPLO 2023.

It should be noted that the event will have closing remarks by the Minister of Energy and Mines, Rómulo Mucho, and will be chaired from start to finish by the General Manager of the IIMP, Carlos Diez Canseco.

We invite you to participate in the conference free of charge, this Thursday, March 21 at 7:00 p.m. in the IIMP auditorium, located at Calle Los Canarios 155, Urb. San César, II Etapa, La Molina.

It will also be live streamed through our official Zoom, YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and TikTok accounts.

To participate in the Zoom webcast, you can register for free at the following link:

For more information, please contact or call: (511) 313 4160 Ext.214.

proEXPLO 2025: Discovering mineral resources for a better world

Minem granted environmental certification to 15 mining exploration projects

  • March 4, 2024

Minem granted environmental certification to 15 mining exploration projects

The investment represents US$92.7 million. Environmental certifications were granted between December 8, 2023 and February 12, 2024.

Lima, March 4, 2024. Exploration is a fundamental activity for the development of mining, as it allows the discovery of new deposits, extends the useful life of mining units in operation and attracts significant investment for the country.

This initial stage is key for the mining industry and much of the success that can be achieved with a new project depends on the results obtained in this phase. This is why it is so important to promote this activity in the sector, which is one of the most important for the national economy.

In line with this, the Ministry of Energy and Mines (Minem) has expressed its willingness to unblock mining projects, both for construction and exploration, and has been doing so.

Recently, the General Directorate of Mining Environmental Affairs (DGAAM) granted environmental certification to 15 mining exploration projects representing an investment of US$92.7 million.

This favors companies to continue with the mining cycle process, which energizes the regional and local economy, and also promotes the sustainability of the mining activity.

The projects include the modification through the Supporting Technical Report (ITS) of the Environmental Impact Assessment Semi-detailed (EIASd) of Compañía de Minas Buenaventura's Tambomayo exploration project in Arequipa for US$21 million. Modification of the EIASd for Lumina Copper's Galeno exploration project in Cajamarca for US$10 million.

Also, the modification of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) of the Pucasalla project in Lima - Ica, by Nexa Resources Peru for US$ 9 million; the modification of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) of the Azulmina project in Ancash, by Nexa Resources Peru for US$ 7 million, and the EIS of the Huilacollo project in Tacna, by Vale Exploration for US$ 7 million.

Certifications have also been granted for the following exploration projects: San Martín (San Martín), Alpamarca (Pasco), Huatana (Huancavelica), Azulccacca (Apurímac), Tassa (Moquegua), Bordebamba (Apurímac), El Carmen (Ica), Piedra Grande (La Libertad), Baños del Indio II (Tacna) and Alto Dorado (La Libertad).

These environmental certifications were granted between December 8, 2023 and February 12, 2024, after a rigorous technical-legal evaluation process by a multidisciplinary team.

proEXPLO 2025: Discovering mineral resources for a better world

ProEXPLO 2025: Leadership and passion for exploration

  • March 1, 2024.

ProEXPLO 2025: Leadership and passion for exploration

The president of proEXPLO 2025, Walter Tejada, has more than 28 years of experience in the mining and exploration sector.

Lima, March 1, 2024. The fourteenth edition of the International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers - proEXPLO 2025 is promoted by the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers (IIMP) and the Organizing Committee of the event.

This committee is chaired by Walter Tejada, an executive with extensive managerial, technical and operational experience in the mining exploration industry. Currently, he is the Americas Operations Manager for BHP Exploration.

Tejada has more than 28 years of professional experience that have led him to lead mining exploration initiatives in Peru, the Andes and Canada. He has developed technical assessments, risk management, and design and implementation of exploration strategies in an environment of high technical, social and regulatory complexity.

Prior to his current position, he held the position of Exploration Manager Peru for BHP until 2023, Global Asset Manager for Teck Resources Limited until 2019, and Country Manager for Teck Resources until 2015.

His academic background includes a degree in Geological Engineering from Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (Lima, Peru) and a Master of Science in Mineral Exploration from Queen's University (Kingston, Ontario, Canada).

In addition, he is a graduate of Teck Resources' Emerging Leaders program and holds accreditations in Strategic Thinking for Executives from Cambridge Judge Business School and Leadership and Influence from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania.

proEXPLO 2025: Discovering mineral resources for a better world

Meet the Organizing Committee of the 14th International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers - proEXPLO 2025

  • February 28, 2024

Meet the Organizing Committee of the 14th International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers - proEXPLO 2025

Leading industry professionals are preparing the official launch of the event and the activities leading up to the congress to be held in 2025.

Lima, February 28, 2024. The International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers - proEXPLO is organized by the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers (IIMP) and is one of the main geological- mining meetings in Latin America. This is a mandatory meeting for companies and professionals working in exploration.

Its fourteenth edition will take place in 2025; therefore, the Organizing Committee is preparing for the official launching of the event, where they will detail the plans for this new edition and the pre- congress activities to come.

Under the slogan "Discovering mineral resources for a better world", proEXPLO 2025 is chaired by Walter Tejada, Operations Manager Americas for BHP Exploration.

Tejada's leadership in the Organizing Committee is accompanied by an outstanding team of professionals:

  • Regina Baumgartner, in charge of Keynote Lectures
  • Lorena Carrillo, in charge of Environment, Governance and Society
  • Adan Pino, in charge of the Technical Program
  • Wolfgang Morche, also in charge of the Technical Program
  • Noe Vilcas, in charge of Sponsorships
  • Adriana Aurazo, in charge of Inclusion and Diversity
  • Lisard Torró, in charge of Academic Affairs and Education
  • Miroslav Kalinaj, in charge of Project Fair and Technology Exhibition
  • Jonas Mota, in charge of Road to proEXPLO, pre-congress courses and field visits
  • Carlos Diez Canseco, General Manager of the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers (IIMP)

In addition, this edition of the congress has the support of an Advisory Committee composed of:

  • Sebastián Benavides, President of proEXPLO 2023
  • Miguel Cardozo, President of PERUMIN 36
  • Eugenio Ferrari, President of proEXPLO 2017

This entire team is committed to the optimal organization of proEXPLO 2025, with a view to promoting the strengthening of ties between the mining industry, academia, the State and civil society in order to develop successful, innovative and environmentally friendly mining exploration that generates opportunities and benefits for the population.

proEXPLO 2025: Discovering mineral resources for a better world

Walter Tejada: Peru has the potential to double the number of mining exploration projects

  • December 06, 2023.

Walter Tejada: Peru has the potential to double the number of mining exploration projects

The president of proEXPLO 2025 affirms that Peru should far exceed the current number of exploration projects for the benefit of the country and the sustainability of the industry.

Lima, December 06, 2023. Walter Tejada, president of the XIV International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers – proEXPLO 2025, stated that looking ahead to next year, Peru must aim to put in value its mining potential through competitive regulations for exploration.

“We should seek to make our exploration portfolio much larger than the current one. With our geological potential we should have double or more exploration projects than what we currently have,” he said in an interview for the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers (IIMP).

It should be noted that we currently have 70 projects in the mining exploration portfolio with an investment of US$ 520 million. Of this total, 39 projects are being executed or to be executed, according to the Mining Statistical Bulletin of September 2023.

Regarding the recent approval of the Ministry of Energy and Mines (Minem) to the environmental certifications for ten exploration projects, Tejada considered it to be good news and an important milestone; however, after the approval of the Environmental Management Instrument (IGA), further permits must be processed before the exploration project can begin.

“On average, the total duration of permits in Perú goes from 14 to over 24 months counted since the IGA is filed, which is much higher than the international average,” he explained.

For this reason, Tejada stressed that it is necessary to speed up the entire chain of procedures so that the projects move forward. He especially recommended targeting the root causes that lead projects getting stuck, to make the necessary changes and to avoid having to look for temporary solutions to ‘unlock’ them later on.

Mr. Tejada also explained that exploration is an activity that takes investment to remote areas of the country, and it has a very low or even zero environmental impact, therefore it is urgent to simplify and shorten the time to get permits following the nature of the activity.

He added that it is also important to have political stability and a context with social peace, which allows to reach a consensus on the importance of mining for the development of the country.

“Once these conditions are created, the investment in mining exploration will multiply. I am confident that we can achieve this if the government and the industry work together jointly and transparently,” he said.

About proEXPLO

The International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers – proEXPLO has been organized by the IIMP since 1999 and it stands as one of the main geological mining events in Latin America. Its 14th edition will be held in 2025, chaired by Walter Tejada, Exploration Manager of BHP in Peru.

proEXPLO 2025: Discovering mineral resources for a better world

Walter Tejada appointed president of proEXPLO 2025

  • May 10, 2023.

Walter Tejada appointed president of proEXPLO 2025


Lima, May 10, 2023. During the closing ceremony of the XIII Congress of Prospectors and Explorers (proEXPLO 2023), organized by the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers (IIMP), it was announced that the geological engineer Walter Tejada will be the president for the next edition of said event, to be held in 2025.

“It is a great honor for me to be elected as the new president of proEXPLO, which is considered the main mining exploration event in our region, and which every year brings together thousands of participants, investors, and professionals dedicated to the tireless search of mineral resources that our country needs,” said Tejada upon assuming the responsibility the position.

After thanking for his designation, which was presented by Abraham Chahuan, president of the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers, Mr. Tejada added that for the next edition of proEXPLO, he will take on the challenges of increasing the attractiveness of acquiring more investments for mining exploration in our country as well as broadening the focus of the congress to go even deeper in the study, prospecting, and development of potential deposits of critical mineral and rare earth.

“I know firsthand that this excellent management leaves us with a very high hurdle, but I am fully confident that with hard work, effort, and willingness, we will be able to meet the challenges that this type of international category event demands,” he pointed out.

proEXPLO 2025 President’s profile

Walter Tejada is a mining exploration and management executive with 27 years of technical and management experience in South America and Canada. He holds a professional degree in Geological Engineering from Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos and a Master of Science in Mineral Exploration from Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada.

Since 2019 he has been the Peru Exploration manager for BHP. Previously, he worked as country manager for Teck Resources until 2015 and as Global Asset manager for Teck Resources Limited until 2019. It is worth mentioning, that Mr. Tejada was also a member of the team that discovered and advanced the Poracota gold deposit and the Zafranal porphyry copper deposit.

Engineer Tejada has extensive experience in the management of environmental and social regulatory issues, tangible demonstrated by his achievements in the development of multiple exploration projects in Perú, the Andean region, and Canada.

proEXPLO 2025: Discovering mineral resources for a better world
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